Jesus Alvarez


Self defense, self confidence, discipline and emotional self control


Self defense, self confidence, improved self esteem, discipline and emotional self control

"Empowering minds, educating bodies, and elevating spirits, we are dedicated to guiding individuals through the transformative journey of boxing. Our vision is to cultivate champions not only in the ring but also in life, fostering a community where each member discovers their inner strength, embraces lifelong learning, rises above challenges, and learns to control their ego. Through disciplined training, mentorship, and a commitment to personal growth, we empower individuals to unleash their full potential, both inside and outside the gym. Together, we build a legacy of resilience, confidence, and self-mastery, inspiring others to step into their greatness and make a positive impact on the world."

Purpose:" We are dedicated to empowering you to grow, embrace discomfort, and conquer your fears and limiting beliefs. Beyond the realm of boxing, we offer a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal development. Our mission goes beyond training in the ring; it's about unleashing your full potential and becoming the best version of yourself. Through our guidance and support, you'll not only develop physical strength but also mental resilience, confidence, and a mindset of limitless possibilities. Join us as we challenge boundaries, shatter limitations, and empower you to thrive in every aspect of your life.

Mission for the world

"Mission #1: Phones down, gloves up.

Our mission is to harness the power of boxing as a transformative tool to help individuals break free from distractions, reclaim their focus, and cultivate mental strength. In a world saturated with constant stimuli and digital distractions, we aim to provide a sanctuary where people can disconnect from their phones and reconnect with themselves. Through the discipline and intensity of boxing training, we empower individuals to develop mental fortitude, resilience, and unwavering focus. Our goal is to guide our community towards a state of mindfulness, where they can fully engage with the present moment, overcome challenges, and unlock their inner potential. Together, we strive to build a culture of mental strength, determination, and purpose, inspiring individuals to lead more focused, fulfilling lives both inside and outside the ring."

Mission #2: Gloves up, world off.

"Step into the ring, gloves up, world off. 🥊 Shut out the noise, silence the distractions, and dive deep into the flow. It's not just about the punches thrown but the rhythm of your heartbeat syncing with every move. In this arena, it's not about opponents; it's about conquering your own doubts, fears, and limitations. Let the world fade away as you embrace the challenge within. #FlowState #BoxingLife 💪🌟"


Our mission is to equip individuals with the transformative tools of boxing, empowering them to master their emotions, make wise choices, and avoid destructive paths that lead to incarceration or harm. Recognizing the immense power of emotions to influence behavior, we provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can learn to channel their emotions constructively through disciplined boxing training. By cultivating self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience, we aim to break the cycle of impulsive reactions and empower individuals to make sound decisions even in challenging circumstances. Our goal is to inspire a community where people are equipped with the mental and emotional strength to navigate life's obstacles, stay out of jail, and safeguard themselves from the dangers of succumbing to emotional enslavement. Together, we strive to build a future where every individual has the freedom to thrive, liberated from the chains of their emotions.

Core Values/Life Compass: E.E.E.

E3 Method

  1. Empower yourself and others

  2. Educate yourself and others, forever. Never stop learning.

  3. Elevate. If you are not growing, then you are dying.

My Story:

Jesus, a resilient boxing coach, emerged from the depths of depression, anxiety, and corporate America's oppressive clutches. Fueled by near-death experiences and the destructive force of unchecked anger, he transformed his life's trajectory. Overcoming personal demons, Jesus found solace in boxing, a sport that not only saved him but became his vehicle for healing.

Today, as a coach, he passionately creates a safe haven for others to heal and empower one another. Known for pushing individuals beyond their comfort zones, Jesus guides them on a journey to discover the best versions of themselves through the transformative power of fitness and boxing.

Favorite quote:
"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."


We provide a safe place where you will catch the positivity virus :)


EVENTS in 2024

May 4th Box N Flow Hike #1

May 13th 4 Week challenge 'Spring into Summer"

May 25th Box N Flow Hike #2 tentative

June Grand opening for new gym


Customer Reviews

Luis Garcia

Christian A.

Nayo huge transformation. Lost 120 pounds!

Christian Alvarez

Frequently Asked Question

COACH JESUS, What is our purpose in this lifetime?


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COACH JESUS, why do you do what you do?

I was supposed to be dead many times god saved my life. i was given many chances a few near death experiences. These traumatic experiences were the best thing that could happen to me. It gave me purpose, gratitude, peace and now i live my life with purpose. Boxing gave me tools to recreate myself. I want you to earn them now.

FAQ image

Get In Touch


1711 B St. Hayward CA 94541

Assistance Hours

Mon – Fri : 600am – 8:00pm

Sat and Sunday – 800 am-3pm

Phone Number:


1711 B St, Hayward, CA 94541, USA

Office: 1711 B St hayward CA

Call 510-200-2445


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